doc to cwk Printer irregularity

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doc to cwk Printer irregularity

Postby michaelgibb » Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:18 pm

I am converting doc files from Office 2000 Word to Appleworks - latest version on latest OS.

Onscreen everything is there. Printing is where the trouble is. Sometimes it prints ten pages of a chapter of 20 or prints 1 page of a chapter of 10. I used Preview and it has the same trouble. BUT: When I specify the exact range of pages, everything prints fine.

Was using a Lexmark 5150 and just bought a Brother HL-2040. Same problem with two different printers - exactly the same pages printed. I found a posting here from a few pages back that had similar problems (didn't mention Word though) and I tried the solutions written there. None worked.

Any ideas?


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