Creating Address labels using Appleworks data base in iPages

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Creating Address labels using Appleworks data base in iPages

Postby patricia » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:41 pm

I have iPages on my new Mac. I have an extensive mailing list (almost 200 names and addresses), on an Appleworks data base. How can I transfer this database to iPages in order to create Avery mailing labels? Hope someone has the answer to this! Thanks.
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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:32 pm

Re: Creating Address labels using Appleworks data base in iP

Postby Peggy » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:33 pm

You can save your AppleWorks database as plain/ASCII text to import into Numbers or Address Book or any other spreadsheet or database program. You will need to add the .txt extension to the file name as AppleWorks won't do it for you. You could also select all of the data, copy it & then paste it into an AppleWorks spreadsheet document, save that & then open the SS with Numbers.

Pages (no 'i') can mail merge from Numbers or Address Book, but it doesn't really do labels as it can only merge one record per page. I think Address Book is the best option as it has support for Avery labels in the Print dialog, but you could manually create a table for the labels in Pages or Numbers.
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