New Question #1:
MY PLAN for sharing AppleWorks (to make it readable to others who don’t have it) was not mentioned in the site articles you gave me. I have always figured that sharing is as simple as making a PDF. You can’t manipulated it but won’t most other word processing programs let you drop (say a dozen) PDF’s into a book format of at least 8 1/2 x 11 and print them one right after the other for a book of say 500 pages? Surely everyone CAN do this, correct?
Note: When the 3 projects I am working on are finished I will learn iworks.
New Question #2:
I happen to know from experience in AppleWorks that after page 49 you can no longer drop a text block on to a page. My question is this: Is there some limit to how many targets, links and anchors I can put in one master document of 700 pages of research. I will need to target with links and anchors perhaps 1500 times from this master document to an outline so when I start to write my final copy I will be able to go directly to previous research and previous original composition. Shall I anticipate a problem of any kind? It’s too late to split up the 700 pages into smaller documents.—This would just become a huge mess. Am I okay???
(note: I back-up my work (sometimes every 3 hours or so) for safety)