aw files from apple iigs to current format

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aw files from apple iigs to current format

Postby dreyner » Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:34 am

I have several files that I created years ago 1988, using my still active apple IIgs and appleworks 2.0 or 3.0. The files are stored on the 3.5 floppy. How can I get them to a point where I can use pages and numbers or MS works? I thought I was able to convert them through my still active MAC SE, but the disk seems incompatible. I also have a macbook and ipad that I would like to use them on. Unfortunately the gs and se are not on the internet anymore.
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Re: aw files from apple iigs to current format

Postby Peggy » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:35 am

I've done this moving of files from a IIgs to a "modern" Mac for other users. It isn't difficult if you have the necessary equipment. I use my IIgs to a PowerBook 1400 running System 7.6 on double-density floppies then to an Iomega Zip disk via SCSI connection. I then use a USB Zip drive to transfer the files to a Mac that can run AppleWorks. It's been awhile, but I think I needed to use AppleWorks 5 to open the AppleWorks 2.0/3.0/IIgs files, save them & then open them with AppleWorks 6 to save them in a format Pages & Numbers can open.

What system are you running on the Mac SE? Also, what kind of 3.5" floppy is it?

Unless you have a HD floppy drive on the IIgs, you really can only use double-density (800 K or DD) disks. If you use an HD disk on the IIgs, it may seem like it works but the disk won't be readable on a Mac & probably not on a IIgs, either. I don't know if you can still buy DD disks.

Do you still have copies of the files that can be accessed on the IIgs?
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Re: aw files from apple iigs to current format

Postby dreyner » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:35 pm

i have the files and can access them on the gs. I would rather update them and use a current program to make changes rather than go retro 25 years. the disk is a sony double sided MFD-2DD. Whether the drive makes use of that??? I also have an Mac SE with the superdrive. I thought that would read these disks, but it doesn't.
I will check my equipment and software inventory to see what if any of the components you mentioned are in my possession.
Thank you for the process description.
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Re: aw files from apple iigs to current format

Postby Peggy » Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:14 pm

Because there have been so many changes in technology, particularly Apple technology, over the last 25 years or so, you need to use several different hardware & software items to get here from there. Considering the changes, I don't think it takes too much.

The Sony disk is the kind you need and the SE's superdrive will be able to read it. It would be easiest if the SE is using a Mac system between 7.1 & 7.6 which can read & write to ProDOS-formatted disks. I think OS 8 or 8.1 might work, but I can't remember if either of those can read ProDOS-formatted disks that the IIgs uses. System 7 can, but it's more involved & I'm not sure I can remember the procedure.

If you don't have the necessary equipment, I'd be happy to update/convert the files for you. But it has been a long time since I started up the IIgs, about 3 years & two houses ago, but it does sound like you've already done that part of the process.
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Re: aw files from apple iigs to current format

Postby dreyner » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:17 am

Thank you. I will give it a try.
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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:06 am

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