I'm posting for another:Jean Cheesman <[email protected]>
Comment to her but please cc to me: [email protected]
I'm not sure how to post something on the ClarisWorks List. Could you please post it for me? Thank you. This is what I want to post:
Hope someone here has some answers for me. I’m trying to save AppleWorks 5 files from a PowerBook G4, that’s on its last legs, running OS 10.4.11. Someone just gave me a MacBook Pro, probably from about 2011 and running OS 10.6.8. That won’t run my AW, so need to find an answer. I’ve converted a lot of AW word processing docs to an old version of Word that was on the PB when I bought it. I’ve never used Word, but find it quick and easy to convert those. The problem is: what can I do with the AW databases. Everything I own or do is on those, including a huge collection of music and other collectibles. Someone said I might be able to put those in Excel, but I’ve never used Excel at all. Any better ideas? I have limited time and practically no money to invest in more software. I hate to give up AW, but evidently no one has invented anything to replace it. And, it was the first thing I Iearned on a computer in 1988—on an Apple IIe! And, I’m 89, so don’t know which of us is older, the computer or I? I will be very grateful for any help anyone can give.
Jean in Santa Barbara