RexinMinn wrote:Thanks for that, Barry. I'm not quite getting you.
First, what do you mean by "Paste Values" ?
I've played with your idea, but when I plug "-100" into Column C (I've placed the erroneous date in column B), and when I perform subtraction it subtracts the days.
Hi Rex,
Sorry. In a rush this morning and posted without re-reading the post (and without pasting in the formula for column C). See edited version above. "Paste Values" is an item in the Edit menu.
One would think there would be a way to reformat a year into a century other than the 21st. This kind of thing boggles my mind.
Mostly due to Numbers being a more recent application than AppleWorks, I suspect. Unless you actually specify the century when entering the date, the application and/or the system has to take a 'best guess'. The boundary for guessing "19"or "20" is either at a different place in each application, or is determined by the current year when the guess is made.