conversion of Appleworks to Pages or Word

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conversion of Appleworks to Pages or Word

Postby Mamre Wilson » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:55 am

I have El Capitan, recently installed, and Appleworks 6 is on my dock ... I also have several documents that I did in Appleworks several years ago ... I need to be able to open the Appleworks documents and transfer them to Pages or Word ... is there any way to do this?
Mamre Wilson
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:07 pm

Re: conversion of Appleworks to Pages or Word

Postby Peggy » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:02 am

AppleWorks is a PowerPC application & cannot run in any version of OS X/macOS after Snow Leopard, OS X 10.6.x.

You can open AppleWorks 6 word processing, spreadsheets & presentations in Pages v4 or earlier, Numbers v1 or 2 & Keynote v5 or earlier respectively. You cannot open any other type (draw, paint or database) of AppleWorks 6 documents with any iWork application nor can you open AppleWorks 5 or any version of ClarisWorks documents. You cannot use the iWork apps released after October 2013.

There is no special importing needed. There are several methods you can use, common to most Mac applications. Use the Open dialog, Control- or right-click & choose the desired application from Open With in the contextual menu or drag the icon of the file onto the desired application icon in the Finder or the Dock.

Try LibreOffice. It can open many, but not all, types of AppleWorks & ClarisWorks documents. & you can then save the documents in Microsoft Office formats.
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