AppleWorks and Snow Leopard: date and number format problem

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AppleWorks and Snow Leopard: date and number format problem

Postby Geert » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:20 pm


Recently I purchased a new MacBook with MacOS Snow Leopard (10.6.4) pre-installed.
Since I have a lot of AppeWorks documents, I absolutely wanted to keep on using it.
I installed Rosetta, copied the AppleWorks folder from my old iBook to the new MacBook using an ethernet connection, made sure the preference files were NOT copied and performed a Repair Permissions.

Appleworks runs on the new system all-right. I too experience the "disappearing margins" problem reported in some other posts and I understand that this problem cannot be solved. So be it.

I have another problem however. The Spreadsheet and Database components do not follow the system Date and Number Format. I specified my country (Belgium) in the Text & Translation control panel, noticed the correct date and number formats, but AppleWorks keeps on displaying dates in MM/DD/YY format and numbers with decimal separator '.' (dot) and thousands separator ',' (comma).

I found that AppleWorks responds when I switch between US and UK formats, but not when switching to any other format. Does the AW/Snow Leopard combination have a preference for English-speaking countries?

After some experiments, I managed to make AppleWorks use the DD/MM/YYYY date format:
I started from the US region, customized the date format and closed the control panel. So far so good.

I am not succesful as to the number format however.
This is rather inconvenient as , in my country, comma ',' is used as decimal operator.
Hence figures like 1,700 (17 * 100) may be easily interpreted as (17/10) in financial reports I have to send to my supervising authority...

Does anyone know about a solution for this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:35 am
Location: Belgium

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