Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

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Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

Postby pippinmac » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:22 am

I am the Music Librarian for a Choir. Our music is filed in cabinets and I have made an Alphabetical Database showing Cabinet and Drawer. I want to update it by inserting the data about new music into the database, but can't figure out the right way to do this. The easiest way would be to make a new "space" to insert the info. Can this be done?
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Re: Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

Postby Tim » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:16 am

pippinmac wrote:I am the Music Librarian for a Choir. Our music is filed in cabinets and I have made an Alphabetical Database showing Cabinet and Drawer. I want to update it by inserting the data about new music into the database, but can't figure out the right way to do this. The easiest way would be to make a new "space" to insert the info. Can this be done?

Hmm, sounds like you just want to add additional records to the existing database? If that's the case just hold the command key down and press R. That will create a new blank record where you can "insert" the new music information. You can accomplish the same thing by clicking the "Edit" menu and then select "New Record."
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Re: Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

Postby pippinmac » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:17 am

Well, no, not really. With it being Alphabetical I want to add the new A's in the right place among the old A's,etc. What I have been doing, since I "wrote", is copying and pasting the original data one line at a time into a copy of the Database, and then typing in the new data in the correct line. Slow but working out alright. Hoped there might be a quicker way as this will be an Annual Event as we buy new music.
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Re: Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

Postby Tim » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:34 pm

pippinmac wrote:Well, no, not really. With it being Alphabetical I want to add the new A's in the right place among the old A's,etc. What I have been doing, since I "wrote", is copying and pasting the original data one line at a time into a copy of the Database, and then typing in the new data in the correct line. Slow but working out alright. Hoped there might be a quicker way as this will be an Annual Event as we buy new music.

Once you add the new data you can sort it on any of the fields. In your case you'd sort on the name field and your new songs will then appear in alphabetical order.
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Re: Adding new data to an Alphabetical Database

Postby pippinmac » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:50 am

Of course I can. When you get over 80 your mind doesn't work as well as it did,

Don't know what I would do without AWUG and Appleworks. I try to do something on Pages and then go back to "Old Faithful"

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