Appleworks 6 spreadheet to 10.8.2

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Appleworks 6 spreadheet to 10.8.2

Postby steve258 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:19 pm

When I import a spreadsheet on Appleworks 6 from the PowerPC app using Numbers in 10.8.2 I only get the blank form. No words or numbers are entered in the columns.
The word processing (ck) works fine with Pages. Any ideas?
Thanks , Steve
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:43 pm

Re: Appleworks 6 spreadheet to 10.8.2

Postby Barry » Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:00 pm

Hi Steve,

The first thing I would check is whether the cells are actually 'blank' or if their content is there but displayed as 'white' text. Click individually on a selection of cells and check the contents of the entry box above the table.

If the content is there, select the whole table and change the text colour to black, using the color well in the Text section of the Forma bar.

Other than that, the only suggestions I can make is to ensure that you have updated Mountain Lion and Numbers both to their latest versions. For Numbers '09, I think that's v4.3.

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