Books for Switchers? Appleworks to iWorks

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Books for Switchers? Appleworks to iWorks

Postby barbpassman » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:57 am

I am assisting an older gentleman who is wants to switch from AppleWorks to iWorks as he knows his next Mac won't run AppleWorks (LION OS will not run an carbon based applications)
Are any of you aware of a book which helps switchers learn how to do in Pages and Numbers what they accomplished i Appleworks?
I know there are a few books helping WIndows users move to the MacOS.
Anything like that for Appleworks devotees?
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:24 pm

Re: Books for Switchers? Appleworks to iWorks

Postby Barry » Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:06 pm

barbpassman wrote:Are any of you aware of a book which helps switchers learn how to do in Pages and Numbers what they accomplished in Appleworks?

None that specific. "The Missing Manual" series has had pretty good reviews in the past, and has released "iWork '09 – The Missing Manual." He might find that useful.

iWork (no "s") itself comes with links to download the User Guide for each of the three applications and the common iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide. The links are in the Help menu of each application.

AW 6 spreadsheet files can be opened as Numbers documents; AW 6 word processing files in Pages, and AW presentation files in Keynote. Paint and Draw files can be opened in some third party applications, such as EazyDraw.

AW database files can be opened only with AppleWorks, so if he has any of those, he will need to export them to a text file (ie Save as... Text or ASCII Text) to produce a tab delimited text file, which can be copied into Numbers.

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